Jeff hasn't had much time for women in recent years, because he has a secret." "I own an Atlas F missile silo.
When I meet women, I tell them that I own the silo, but I approach it from a vacation-property standpoint.
I mean, it's got to be hard to find somebody with your kind of standards. They've got to be able to live underground.
Since I bought the silo, I haven't done much dating.
Jeff's chosen profiles for a few women he thinks could be perfect prepper matches.
He doesn't want to face an economic apocalypse alone."
Are you outdoorsy?...Got any survival skills?...Do you think that the U.S. has the potential to financially collapse?
I don't mean to sound, like, rude, like he was paranoid, but....
Do you get into shooting sports at all, or anything?
Jeff hopes one of these three women could be the perfect mix of prepping partner...and life partner.
Well, I hope you don't mind, but, don't really know you that well yet, so if I could still keep one secret on the location, if you don't mind me...blindfold for a couple of minutes? ...Um...I'm really not comfortable with that.
No? It's only going to be for a couple of minutes while we take this real short drive. Okay. I'm trusting you. You seem trustworthy.
Just want to let you know, I've got my phone, and it's got GPS tracking on it just in case, so...." "You've come prepared! Smart!" "Yes. Let's call it that.
There's not much to be seen up here. The business end is all underground.
These are the original blast doors.
I think she got hit pretty hard with the smell of old.
Jeff can sense that Stephanie's not impressed.
I'd consider going on another date with him. No blindfolds this time, though.