Photo: Channel 4

PBS Is Still Going To Make You Wait For Downton Abbey

Its President and CEO is challenged to explain why.

Our Players

Hello, I'm PBS President & CEO Paula Kerger.
Hello, I'm The Interview Extender.

The Scene

Paula, thanks so much for giving me just a few minutes to expand on your comments at press tour.
So, just to recap: with every series of Downton Abbey, PBS has sat on the episodes for months after they air in the U.K.
I wouldn't characterize it as "sitting on" the episodes, but yes, we do air our season after it's already ended overseas.
Even though, with each series, the show's popularity has grown and therefore the demand has increased.
That's right, and we're very proud. The Christmas special--
Which aired here well after Christmas.
...Yes -- I mean, I don't want to toot our horn, but it was the most-watched scripted show our network has ever aired.
Wouldn't that number be even higher if a significant portion of your audience wasn't pirating the episodes when they air in England?
They-- pardon?
That is...I hear that's something some people do.
But...PBS viewers? Would steal a PBS show?
I understand it does occur from time to time.
They're stealing a period drama about the travails of the landed gentry and their loyal servants? Spanning a period of decades?
But Paula, this can't possibly come as a surprise to you.
I have to sit down.
I'm so sorry. Here. Do you need me to get you some water?
Michael, I have to tell you, you have shaken me to my core.
I...I really had no idea. I assumed this must be a calculation that you and your team would make when you're deciding when to air a show like Downton, and that you would be up-to-date on what the TV landscape is like now.
I just-- I can't believe our viewers would do this. I mean, figuring out ways to see...I don't know, bare elf breasts or dragon fornication or whatever happens on Game Of Crowns and so forth -- that's one thing. HBO isn't free. We're FREE!
Yes, of course, and discerning TV viewers appreciate that and all the wonderful programming that PBS brings to us--
Do they?
Of course!
And yet they wouldn't have the good breeding and decency to wait politely while we get Downton Abbey ready for them?
Those Laura Linney bumpers don't just materialize out of thin air! It's hard to get her sometimes! She's busy!
I'm sure.
But we shoot them! We shoot them for "Viewers like you"!
I feel like the show probably goes over just fine in the U.K. without them, but--
Oh ho ho, I see! You think you can just slam right into an episode without being set in the right frame of mind by Laura Linney's gentle, winsome irony?
But why can't people just be patient?
Paula, the pivotal moment of the Christmas special was spoiled for American audiences by just about every entertainment journalist alive, literally months before they could see it. Our world is so connected. The only way to preserve surprises like that is for there not to be such a big lag.
Yes, but are our viewers really reading those sorts of publications? Are our viewers even online?
I'm pretty sure they are.
...I'm not sure you're right about that.
Well, I guess it doesn't matter if I am, because the decision's been made.
Can't you tell the British entertainment reporters not to write about the show?
That's not very nice of them.
British reporters aren't really known for being nice.
Well, then it's strange that watching a show like Downton Abbey that's just full of genteel characters hasn't taught them anything about proper comportment.
Are you just messing with me?
Michael, this shit is the biggest hit we will probably ever have. You think NewsHour is keeping the lights on? And I'm supposed to throw it up on the air when the networks are premiering fifty new shows, plus Homeland? The majority of our viewers couldn't BitTorrent their way out of a threadbare tote bag. I got this.
Well, shit.
Hey, you want a hot scoop? Sybil's ghost becomes a bootlegger!
Fine, Paula, I get it.
And Edith dates a mule!
All right.