recipe writer specializing in ever-dwindling ingredients
underground fights ring girl
game warden at the lake that suddenly exists
underground fights oddsmaker
undercover sheriff's deputy who does nothing but watch Junior (Alexander Koch) and make sure he doesn't kidnap or murder anyone else
town entomologist (preferably a monarch butterfly expert)
art therapist
mini-Dome yarn bomber
backup radio DJs for when the only person who works at the radio station suddenly passes out for twenty minutes
underground fights bartender
underground fights brewer
underground fights moonshiner
"Rapture" dealers
drug counselor
small-batch toilet paper miller
underground fights cashier (person who sits at table laden with goods that everyone politely waits to redeem chits at instead of just looting it immediately)
personal assistant to a demanding lady crime boss -- hairstyling experience preferred
community theater troupe to perform what they think is probably happening on Breaking Bad