Meet Liz. She's a forty-four-year-old psychologist and mom of twelve-year-old twins whose self-image of her own body is...a little crazy.
Liz resorts to wearing wacky socks to show off her quirky personality.
She's a beautiful woman, but I think, you know, she got busy with the career, she has kids now -- there are other priorities for her. She goes last in her life. She puts everybody else first -- especially the kids and me.
Frumpy. Very frumpy. And funny-looking socks.
We've seen a lot of mom jeans on you.
The same black shoe, over and over. Makes me a little sad.
I've never been confident in my physical appearance. Even when I was younger, I always felt awkward.
I don't think that I have an easy body to dress.
Some of what I wear is a little boring, but my socks are always fun....I have these rules -- my rules. Life's too short to wear serious socks.
She's put herself last for so many years because so many other things and people in her life are so much of a higher priority than she is to herself.
For a while, I was Arlene and Carl's daughter, and then I was so-and-so's roommate, and then Auren's wife, and now I'm Sarah and Ben's mom. You're never just Liz?
I see a bag full of crazy socks.
This is what I've been dreading since I first got ambushed: getting to see my big butt in the mirror.
I have my loafers, and these socks have bees on them.
When you're going out with your husband, do you have any desire to look sexy at all? Even just a little. Yes, I have a desire, but I kind of got lazy with that?
These things I've heard over the course of my life, and I just-- I mean, when I was a kid, one time I was getting dressed, and someone said to me, 'Where the hell's your belly button?' And I'm like, 'Oh, it's all the way down here.' 'Well, you know, why is it so low?'
They just don't make clothes for someone like me.
I'm pretty sure finding jeans to fit will be a difficult process....I'm going to start with jeans first, because I hate shopping for jeans.
I still am not convinced that the lower half of my body is not abnormal.
I am normal. I'm a psychologist, I should know that.
I've never had a week where everyone focuses on me. It's been different, but really good. So you feel like you don't really have time for yourself?
I have not chosen to make time for myself. So you haven't chosen.
Yes. It was a choice, and I need to make a different choice, and I'm able to now make different choices.
Do you ever consider your natural beauty each day?
Holy cow! Look at my eyes! Oh my goodness!
Why do you say that like you're embarrassed? It's hard for me to compliment myself!
My belly button is not too low.
You've transformed my wardrobe, but you've also transformed my life.
I really have allowed myself to be on the back burner, to put everyone else first. I felt like I was an accessory to my family, to the office, and I don't feel that way anymore....I can be a great mom, I can be attentive to my children, and I can be important, too. Here I am! See me!
Liz looks awesome. I was totally shocked. I'm hoping that Liz will feel more comfortable with her body, and dressing a little bit hipper and sexier, which of course is great for me. More date nights! Let's do it!
I used the describe my varying roles in my life as a daughter, a wife, a mom; somewhere along the way, I lost who I was, and one of the most important things that I learned from Stacy and Clinton was is that I'm not an accessory, at work or at home. I'm a person. I walk taller. And it's a beautiful feeling.