Photos: Ian Watson / NBC

Are Videogame-Calibre Fighting Skills Better Than The Ability To Teleport Matter In The Latest Heroes Reborn?

We're ranking the current winners and losers in the Human/Evo war.

In the latest episode of Heroes Reborn, we meet some new characters on either side of the human/evo battle and get some hints as to whose allegiance is proooooooobably going to change pretty soon. Some of these people/superpeople are having a better time than others, of course: let's count them down from who had the crappiest week to who had the best!

  1. Molly
    Being strapped to a chair in a shapeless jumpsuit and hooked up to machines that apparently cause unbearable pain in order for your powers to be used for nefarious purposes by an evil corporation sure seems like a "the living envy the dead" situation...
  2. Francis / Myles Stevens / Malina
    ...but maybe she should ask any of these evos to weigh in? Because by the end of the episode, they're all in Renautas custody and all probably about to be similarly exploited. If not that, then killed.
  3. Luke
    Luke already seemed like he was souring on his and Joanne's self-assigned mission to track down and assassinate as many evos as they could find before he suddenly started seeing evidence that he is an evo with the power to generate pure energy, or something; it's not really clear yet. But he's doing non-human stuff and he doesn't seem that psyched about it -- plus he's living in pretty close quarters with someone who's way more evo-bloodthirsty than he is. Maybe on your travels you can try to find a sympathetic counsellor to help you work through some of these issues!
  4. Noah
    Noah gets to see evidence, in the form of some messed-up CCTV footage at the hospital in Odessa, that some weird stuff happened on June 13 other than the bomb. It looks like someone was manipulating time for Noah, so: probably Hiro. And it also looks like Claire died in the hospital, which Noah seems not to think could be possible given her powers. And also it looks like he detained Molly in some way -- which she seems to corroborate when he finds her later and tries to rescue her from Renautas custody and she wants nothing to do with him. Yes, that's all bad. But is it worse than Noah's having somehow taken custody of Quentin the exposition facilitator, who's so useless on the lam that he got himself shot in the series premiere, which is why Noah was at the hospital in the first place? I submit that it is not. Someone please kill Quentin soon, for the good of the show.
  5. Carlos
    After showing a willingness in the series premiere to pick up as a masked vigilante where his brother left off by, you know, dying, Carlos takes a slight step back this week by changing his mind on supporting the evo Underground Railroad -- that is, until he sees proof that dirty cops are fucking with evos. He re-masks and gets a good beating for it -- but he also gets a good look at one of the dirty cops (when he's kicking Carlos's ass) and finds out that guy has A Secret! You can probably guess what that secret is. (It's that he's an evo.)
  6. Tommy
    Things are really looking up for Tommy this week! He discovers not only that he can teleport himself by touching his chest and thinking of a place he wants to go; he also saves a party by teleporting beer there, hee hee. That he can acquire beer by means none of his high-school classmates is that curious about makes him instantly popular, of course. All that and he's got an evo looking out for him and texting him warnings before he gets into dicey situations? What more could Tommy want?! Maybe not to get t-boned in his mom's car as the episode ends.
  7. "The Protector" (?)
    Penny For Your Thoughts Guy turns out to be the one looking out for Tommy, but Mrs. Tommy is very suspicious of him, threatens him, and holds a gun to his neck. But she doesn't actually do anything more than that, so he's fine.
  8. Taylor
    She gets a little disillusioned by Molly's dire warnings about what Renautas is going to do to Francis, but since we find out this week that Erica, the CEO of Renautas (more on her below), is Taylor's mother, nothing too bad is probably going to happen to Taylor herself in the near term. That's what passes for a win on this show!
  9. Miko
    After hearing that she supposedly died, and that maybe the father she's looking for isn't actually her father -- he's her "father," in the subtitle version of air-quotes -- the evo with the stupidest power temporarily gets the better of her would-be torturer, Harris (more on him below as well), escapes Renautas detention, and with the help of her fully-human, non-dead pal Ren plans a trip to America. She may find it looks a lot like Canada when she gets there!
  10. Detective Paul From Orphan Black
    If this guy got a name, I didn't catch it, but that's who he is; he's the dirty cop who kicks the shit out of Carlos, thanks to his superstrength, because he is an evo. GASP! For now he's passing, so he's doing fine.
  11. Harris
    Harris, Erica's enforcer, seems like he's in a bad way when he gets dismembered by Miko with his own implements of torture! But then she leaves, and his parts just generate a clone -- the first actually cool power we've seen this season, in my opinion. Clé Bennett, who plays him/them, is also legitimately funny interacting with himself. "I'd like my watch back, please," Harris Prime asks his duplicate. The Clone: "Oh, of course!" It's a tiny moment, but I'll take my joys where I can get them with this show.
  12. Erica
    Part of me would like to learn more about how exactly Renautas can "digitize...powers" or turn them "into a friggin' app," but a bigger part is happy the show didn't really bother trying to make fake sense of this premise. Regardless: Erica is the clear victor of this week. She gets her daughter, her best operative, to recover the elusive Molly in time for the launch of E.P.I.C., evo-detecting eyewear, and unless Myles Stevens is a plant in the crowd -- always possible -- it totally works! This is a lady who knows if you want to stay CEO, you have to deliver results. Maybe she's doing that by torturing an evo, but as long as she's creating value for shareholders, does anyone really want to know how the evil sausage is made?