Face Off

'Stephen Colbert' Transforms Into Stephen Colbert, Face Off Transforms Men Into Women...

...and should Playing House transform Keegan-Michael Key into a rom-com star? We're chewing on all of it in Lunch And A Show! 2015.09.09

Makeup Today, Megaselling Licensed Action Figures Tomorrow?

Season 8's final challenge finds the facetestants designing teams of characters and coming up with the movies they'll star in. Who's camera-ready? 2015.04.15

A Steaming Pile Of Punk

You can see how excited the facetestants about their penultimate challenge: putting a steampunk cyborg twist on stock Western characters (or maybe they're just grossed out by Glenn). Unfortunately, their lack of inspiration shows on the Reveal Stage. 2015.04.08

Yep, Here's Your Problem: Someone Set This Thing To 'Evil'

The facetestants get a break from the recent run of cute makeup challenges with one that requires them to make menacing doll characters. 2015.04.01

Face Off Kids Around With Some Imaginary Friends

The facetestants each team up with a kid to bring children's fantasy pals to life. 2015.03.26

We Can Be (Super)heroes

Or, as mostly ends up happening...kind of not really superheroes at all. How do things shake out when the makeup artists also have to be their own models? 2015.03.18

Larva Nude Girls!

The artists are forced to work in nature for an insect-inspired body-painting challenge that -- yes -- means their models are au naturel. 2015.02.25

Bridge Over Trolly Waters

A challenge in which facetestants have to create troll characters inspired by specific real-world bridges accidentally points up the biggest problem with this 'Return Of The Champions' season. 2015.02.18

It's Like Music To Your Face

When a sound designer creates custom sound effects to inspire original characters, which are actually inspired...or original? 2015.02.11

Face Off Tries To Play Its Cards Right

When each facetestant has to create a Tim Burtonesque character based on the face card he or she randomly draws, who goes bust? 2015.02.04

Two Heads (And Species) Are Better Than One

The facetestants are paired up for an animal/plant hybrid challenge. How much do you actually need to pay attention to? 2015.01.28

Putting A Voice To The Face

Face Off brings back three past season victors to lead teams of up-and-coming effects designers for its 'Battle Of The Champions' season. Hope you love watching lots of people give advice and build consensus! 2015.01.14

The Face Off Finale Is Out Of This World! (...There Are Aliens.)

And old faces return to help midwife the finalists' looks, aw. 2014.04.23