Not even a childless jerk like me is going to sit here and say it's not important that parents and other caretakers of children make sure that their minor charges are sitting in the right size of correctly installed car seat, properly buckled ( really more complicated than the layman would think). But I have some questions about this PSA on that very topic, which I just saw for the first time this morning.
I get that there's nothing parents hate more than other parents, or @LosFelizDayCare and STFU Parents (run by a childless person; fueled by intra-parent Facebook narcing) wouldn't exist. Even so, everyone in this spot comes off like a total dick, including the one who's the most right about child safety, like, to the point where if I were a parent, my first impulse would be to just chuck my kid in the back seat to roll around loose, purely out of spite. Which is only one of the 112 reasons I never could (and never should) be a parent, I guess.
Anyway: don't listen to me. Listen to this hateful ad and pay more attention to your child's car seat and less to the other competitive assholes at the playground. And if this gets the car seat end bit cut off and starts making the rounds as a government PSA advising against smug parenting, it will be nearly as important and worthwhile as it is in its current form.