90 Day Fiance

Leah Remini Becomes An Apostate Hero On 20/20

But smart women were making foolish choices everywhere else on TV this weekend. 2015.11.02

A Petition Urges NBC To Revoke Its Invitation For Donald Trump To Host Saturday Night Live

We're looking at recent instances of TV wearing its Bad Idea Jeans in Lunch And A Show! 2015.10.19

Racist Concern Trolls Come Out Of The Woodwork

Daya and Amy both find themselves on the receiving end of bigots' 'well-meaning advice,' but how does that affect their standing among the engaged? We've ranked the couples from best to horrrrrrrrrible. 2014.12.01

Danielle Doesn't Seem Bothered That Mohamed Won't Touch Her Until After They're Married

And maybe not even then! Elsewhere, Danny's not going to make out with Amy either, and Gabriel sells out Yamir to his fives of fans. Let's rank how happy the engagements are this week! 2014.10.27

90 Day Fiance Paola Is A Woman For All Seasons

Just because she's a gold-digger (maybe) doesn't mean she can't also be great. 2014.02.21