Show-o-MaticAri insists upon meeting meat cutter Jamey for the first time with Catfish cameras present. Jamey is, quite reasonably, concerned. 2015.04.23
Show-o-MaticWhile Rodrigo sniffs around for his fourth rhinoplasty, Katina seeks remediation for her 'alien belly,' and a Baywatch babe seeks to downsize her cans. 2015.04.22
Show-o-MaticA lady in Brooklyn has an online girlfriend in Los Angeles, and each is too broke to visit the other. Plus also they've never videochatted or whatever because that's the kind of thing that would get them on the show...right? 2015.04.16
Show-o-MaticVH1 mainstay New York gives us an eyeful of her physical imperfections in the second-season premiere of Botched. 2015.04.15