Show-o-MaticWhile Sheila and Sammi battle over the man they both unaccountably love, the rest of his kids (mostly) aren't doing so hot. 2014.04.07
Show-o-MaticAfter his ordeal last week, Hannibal decides to get back to feeling like himself by throwing an elegant dinner party! Jack wonders what's on the menu, or rather...who. 2014.04.05
Show-o-MaticLip tries to impress a DCFS inspector while unimpressing Amanda's parents, Debbie meets a new love interest, and Fiona goes back into the joint. 2014.03.31
Show-o-MaticWhile Fiona realizes how very very bad an idea it was to go on a bender, Frank goes under the knife for an illegal organ transplant -- also a bad idea, but at least he can say it wan't his. 2014.03.24