Clone High

Are You Thinking What Clone High Is Thinking? MAKEOVER!

Makeover makeover, makeover makeover, makeover makeover MAKE O VER!!! 2016.09.09

The Best Moment Of Clone High's Raisin Rock Opera Isn't Musical, But It Is About Getting Thrice Laid

Oh, Geldemore. Keep doing you; the right clone will come along eventually. 2016.08.26

Clone High Lets JFK Consider Mounting A Flex Offense On His Basketball Teammate, 'John D'Arc'

JFK finds himself intrigued by a new member of Clone High's basketball team. Confused, but intrigued! 2016.08.19

9 Reasons To Watch Clone High That Only Someone Who's Watched It 500 Times Can Tell You

Confined to the first two episodes of the season, airing tonight, because otherwise it would be 9000 reasons. 2016.08.04