Extreme Guide To Parenting

'Just Raise Your Baby In The Most Natural Of Ways, And For Me, That Is Non-Vaxx Way'

Turns out Christian Axness's refusal to diaper her one-year-old daughter Eleanor is the least 'extreme' (reckless) decision she's made as a parent. Let's let her tell it! 2014.09.19

'Sex Is Just Another Way That People Are Sharing Energy Together. It's A Hug That Involves Our Genitals.'

Feminist 'adult performer' Madison talks about sex with her two-year-old daughter Emma both frankly and constantly. Madison's husband is not okay with it, nor is the actual, literal Annie Sprinkle. But let's let everyone speak for themselves! 2014.09.12

'I Don't Want To Have To Find Another Teacher And Pretend My Son Is Five'

Marisa is raising Austen to be the best, most talented, happiest kid alive, whether he likes it or not. 2014.08.22

'What Are You Playing With?' 'A Stick.'

The Whitacres are self-described nomads who wonder if living out of a car and being allowed one toy each is going to turn their kids into hoarders later in life. Hmmm, MAYBE?! But let's let them speak for themselves. 2014.08.15

'My Parenting Style Is: Eco-Kosher, Shamanistic, Organic, Natural, And For Highest And Best Good'

Shira has some crazy ideas about parenting. Thank God Bravo found her and put her on our TVs. 2014.08.08