Oh C'mon!

Even voracious consumers of TV have to draw the line somewhere. Here are some of the lines we've drawn.

Superhuman Is Both A Fox Special And A Description Of The Patience Required To Get Through It

People with extraordinary abilities or talents compete for a cash prize. Somehow not present are the Fox executives with the extraordinary balls to have greenlit it. 2016.01.04

Minority Report Makes Sure You Know Misogyny Has At Least Fifty More Years To Live

A 'pick-up artist' can get famous and rich teaching the 'art' of negging women while a shy 'nice guy' nurses festering grudges against women he finds insufficiently attentive? THE FUTURE SURE IS CRAZY. 2015.09.29

Rafael: Co-Parent From Hell

This guy sure turned crappy in a quick hurry. Suspiciously quick, you might say. 2015.04.28

The Latest Younger Has Story Problems Up The Wazoo

Actually, just one story problem. It's definitely up the wazoo, though. 2015.04.22

Stop Trying To Make Betty White Re-Happen

It's enough already, Saturday Night Live (cc contemporary comedy in general). 2015.02.16

Contrivance, Contrivance Will Tear Us Apart Again

The latest impediment to Rogelio and Xo's happiness is the most irritating one yet. 2015.01.20

Attention, TV: Women Don't Sleep In Their Bras

Girlfriends' Guide To Divorce is the latest show to perpetuate the fraud that underwires are conducive to slumber. 2014.12.24

This Plan Stinks

The Foley girls go to idiotic lengths to get back at a bully, thanks to their new dirtbag uncle. 2014.12.16

Wig Cop Pays A Visit To Chasing Life's Cancer Ward

As if a terminal disease isn't bad enough, Chasing Life characters are also victims of scalp crime. 2014.12.10

Aaron Sorkin Dedicates The Penultimate Episode Of The Newsroom To Some Men, #NotAllMen

Finally, Aaron Sorkin places himself where no one wanted him: at the intersection of campus rape and the internet. 2014.12.08

Marva Joins The Great Food Truck Race

As Marva jumps on the food truck trend about fifty years too soon, Nick learns a business lesson of his own. Too bad even children would find this plotting hard to believe. 2014.12.02

The Tonight Show Turns Pictionary Into Torture Porn

People purposely sucking at party games might be comedy for some. Not for Tara. 2014.12.02

'Old Media Guy And New Media Girl: An Analog Romance'

Aaron Sorkin makes two nice, talented actors play out idiotic relationship fights no professionals would ever actually have, and it's not okay. 2014.12.01

'The New Confident Maggie' Is A Video Engineer Now

And that's just one of many aspects of the latest episode of The Newsroom that's kind of hard to believe. 2014.11.24

Laundry Technology Makes New Girl's Snob And Slob Switch Places

When Schmidt admits he can't do laundry, who will show him how? THE ANSWER MAY SURPRISE YOU. 2014.11.19

As The Affair Progresses Sex-Wise, The Affair Makes Noah Its Most Unreliable Narrator

Why did he ever bother getting married when he has a magic crank? 2014.10.27

'Women Like Dainty Little Wee TVs, Not Icky Big Ones.' - Marry Me

'No, but why can't we get a TV as big as the wall?' - Tara. 2014.10.22

About A Boy Thinks Tricking A Woman Into Pregnancy Is Cute

Maybe someday TV characters will handle the subject of vasectomies. But not this week! 2014.10.15

Wig Cop Thinks No One Should Be Taking Photos Of Selfie

If Eliza Dooley wants to make over her life, she should start with that mop. 2014.10.07