Teen Mom 3

Teen Mom 3 Ends Its Season-Long Lesson In How Not To Co-Parent

If the teen moms weren't being let down by their children's fathers, it just wouldn't be Teen Mom 3. 2013.11.12

The Loneliest, Most Engorged Teen Breasts On TV This Week

But how do they affect the rankings in the Misery Index? 2013.11.05

It's Called A Breakup Because It's Broken, KATIE

Where has Katie's better-late-than-never breakup with Joey landed her in the crappiest-life rankings? 2013.10.22

Uncool Rider

Mackenzie may have to confront Josh about his lies regarding his busy bronc-riding career...but is hers the crappiest life among the teen moms this week? 2013.10.15

Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Love Cowboys

Josh lets Mackenzie down again, but where does that put her in this week's Teen Mom 3 Misery Index? 2013.10.01

Teen Dads 0

Devoin is only one of the teen dads ruining the lives of the Teen Mom 3 cast this week -- but whose life was worst? We ranked them for the Misery Index. 2013.09.24

Will Modelling In A Fashion Show Boost Katie's Confidence (And Standing)?

Sorry for the spoiler, but no. Here's the Misery Index for the latest Teen Mom 3. 2013.09.17

Is Alex Still The Crappiest-Life-Having Teen Mom?

The Misery Index for the latest Teen Mom 3. 2013.09.10

The Misery Index: Which Teen Mom Has The Crappiest Life (This Week)?

Katie had a screaming fight with Joey, but someone had it even worse than she did. 2013.09.03

BREAKING: Teen Motherhood Still Sucks

Ranking the third Teen Mom cast according to how sad watching their lives will make you. 2013.08.27