
Taking you through an episode of TV with a collection of germane mini-stories.

Reunited, And It Feels No Good

While Bill and Virginia resume their professional relationship somewhere other than a hotel room, Betty gets a visit from an old friend! Those are always fun. 2014.08.11

Sam And Barbie Venture WAY Under The Dome

That locker tunnel leads to a system of caves that culminates in a bottomless pit. Sure, why not. 2014.08.05

Why Are Women So Anxious To Enter The Workforce When It Mostly Sucks?

While Coral has to be asking herself how much of Libby's crap she's willing to put up with for a paycheque, Virginia gets guff from all her bosses. 2014.08.04

Chester's Mill Promises The Trial Of The Fortnight

If you conspired to infect a significant number of Dome residents, you'd have to expect SOME kind of reprisal, right? RIGHT?! 2014.07.29

Masters Of Sex Alternates Fighting And Fu-- 'Making Love'

Bill tries to take his mind off an upsetting delivery by nailing Virginia in front of a championship prize fight. It kind of works? 2014.07.28

Virginia Learns That It's Hard To Be Taken Seriously As A Scientist After Everyone's Seen Your Boobs

While Virginia gets a harsh introduction the real Dr. Ditmer, Bill learns that his new job has some unforeseen drawbacks. 2014.07.21

Alton, Illinois Is For Lovers

It's where the elite meet when they don't want anyone they know in St. Louis to see them doing something they really probably shouldn't. 2014.07.14

Dome Look Back In Anger

Chester's Millions try to figure out what is making the Dome so angry that it is (a) suddenly magnetic, and (b) periodically making sonic pulses that are apparently killing everyone. 2014.07.01

The Americans Either Does Or Doesn't End With A New Enemy For The Illegals...Depending On Which You Ask

The season's biggest mystery is solved, and an intriguing story seed gets planted for Season 3. 2014.05.22

I Hope The Russians Move Their Children Too

Jared's taking a trip. Not sure where to. Not sure if Larrick's going to let him reach his destination. 2014.05.15

Disgraced Engineers Who Think The Government Gave Them Cancer Don't Take Visa

Dirtbag Philip has an even dirtbaggier cousin, 'Ted.' He was in Vietnam. And he would like to buy some military secrets. 2014.05.08

To Entrap A Pakistani Intelligence Officer, You're Going To Need Hardcore '80s Realness

Elizabeth dresses up like Krystle Carrington to attract The Centre's latest target, but will another of Philip's harem of side pieces usurp her role? 2014.05.01

Spy Kids' Letters From Camp

After Philip and Elizabeth bust into the Contra training camp, they have to go somewhere even worse: CHURCH. 2014.04.24

Scandal Never Kills The People You Want It To

And the Season 3 finale is no exception! 2014.04.18

Chevy Makes Good Things Happen For The Decadent Bourgeoisie

Philip's Camaro doesn't make him happy for long, thank you very much President Reagan! 2014.04.17

The One Where Fitz And Liv And Mellie And Cyrus Might All Get Blown Up

Before you get too excited, though: next week is the season finale. 2014.04.11

You Can't Break Into The Arpanet Without Roughing Up Some REALLY Unprepared Nerds

While Philip plants a comically enormous bug on an even more gigantic server, Nina learns to fool a polygraph with the power of her butt. 2014.04.10

Kendal's Last Stand

As Raylan tries to prove to Wendy that Darryl is Art's real shooter, Boyd fights for his life for roughly the 800th time. 2014.04.09

Scandal Gets Its Office Space On

Scandal heard you like budgets, so it delivers a major plotline about B613 funding. No one gets shot, but there sure is computing! 2014.04.04